PRO-LIFE WEEKEND, May 3rd-5th, 2024.

the Nigerian Correctional Services & the Issues of Human Dignity & Right.

On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of May, 2024, Saint Joseph Major Seminary celebrated Pro-life weekend with the theme: the Nigerian Correctional Services & the Issues of Human Dignity & Right. This weekend began with the seminarians and the various Pro-lifers who came for the event to embark on a Pro-life Match from the Seminary to Ikot Ekpene environs up to Plaza. The day ended with a roundtable Discussion at the Seminary Auditorium. The next day being 4th of May, there was a paper Presentation by Barr. Ernest Awat Ataba and the paper was responded to Mr. Francis Udobioroh. Finally, the weekend with a Solemn Mass at the Seminary Chapel on the 5th of May. 

The Rector declares the weekend opened!

A man full of life, who cherishes & values every human life especially the lives of the formators, the seminarians, and the non-academic staff.

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