
Our Intention to acquaint students with philosophical thinking through the centuries; impart on them a comprehensive, all-round human education

Philosophy overview

Saint Joseph Major Seminary, Ikot-Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State, (Department of Philosophy) is an affiliation of the prestigious University of Calabar, Cross Rivers State. The Department of Philosophy offers a four-year, eight-semester courses in philosophy and the humanities (hereinafter referred to as philosophical studies). The courses are intended to acquaint the students with philosophical thinking through the centuries; impart on them a comprehensive, all-round human education. The courses and seminar topics have been selected and arranged in such a way that at the end of this four-year programme of philosophy the students will have been well prepared for their theological studies, for their future priestly ministry and for post graduate studies in philosophy which they might undertake later. Students must take all the courses and attend all the seminars in this programme. The language courses are intended to facilitate biblical and ecclesiastical studies and to prepare the seminarians for missionary, cross-cultural insertion in the ministry.

Philosophy Lecturers

Rev. Fr. Dr. Bartholonew B. Akpan (H.O.D)

Hist of Modern Phil, Intro to Phil, Hist of Ancient Phil

Rev. Fr. Dr. Patrick Abem

Contemporary Prob in Ethics

Rev. Fr. Dr. Ntui Victor Ntui

Phil Anthropology, African Ethics & Values, African Phil, Phil of Nature, Ethics.

Rev. Fr. Prof. Kekong Bisong


Prof. Kyrian Ojong

Epistemology, Basic Notion of Sc.

Prof. Iks Nwankwor

Social & Pol. Phil & Christian Philosophy

Rev. fr. Cletus Umohetok

Basic Meth of Phil Analysis, intro to Scripture

Rev. Fr. Felix Bornwin

Metaphysics, Analysis of selected Text, Psychology

Rev. Fr. Dr. Pius Aniekop, CM

Research methodology

Rev. Fr. Raphael Ita

Phil Anthropology, Research Meth.

Rev. Fr. Celestine Mfong Udoh

Spiritual Theology

Dr. Peter Bisong

Phil. Econs & Sc, Entrepreneurship Edu, Kant & 19thc Phil, Exist & Pheno

Dr. Ibrahim Adekunle

Dr. Ibrahim Adekunle

Dr. James Aniekan

Use of English Lang

Dr. Emmanuel Darty

Phil of mathematics, Symbolic Logic, Intro to Logic

Mr. Oscar Ogiji


Rev. Fr. Moses Ibok

Latin, Church Hist

Sr. Dr. JaneSamuel Okoro, DMMM

Intro to Logic/Intro to Phil

Rev. Fr. Dr. Agwaraonye Christiantus, CSSp

African Thoughts & Culture