
Unravelling the mysteries of faith and knowledge

Theology Overview

The Department of Theology offers a four-year, eight semesters course in ecclesiastical disciplines (hereinafter referred to as theological studies) which prepare the seminarians for the priestly ministry in the Catholic Church and lays a solid foundation for further, specialist studies and research. The courses offered have a missionary dimension and serve the ministerial needs of the seminarians in cross-cultural milieus..

The academic year is divided into two semesters. Each course is taken within a semester and followed by an examination at the end of the semester. The student’s performance is evaluated on the results of these examinations as well as the basis of results of other tests and assignments given in the course of the Semester.

1. Major Courses – designed to be areas of concentration in the degree program (Scripture, Moral, Dogma, Liturgy, Canon Law, Church History, Bioethics, Pastoral Theology, Ecclesiology, Missiology, Fundamental theology, etc.).

2. Pastoral – oriented courses – aimed at equipping the students for the practical aspect of their ministry as priests.

3. General Studies Courses aimed at stimulating students to a better awareness of the contemporary world. It further enhances their mastery of research methods, languages, communication and leadership skills.

• Research Project/Long Essays (Seminar, Memoir and Term Papers).

This exercise involves a long essay in any area of theology, spirituality, liturgy or general religious studies. The topics are determined by the student and a supervisor assigned by the end of the third year. Finished work is submitted to the Head of Department towards the end of the fourth year. The research project is a compulsory requirement for the completion of the Theological Studies for the award of a Bachelor of Theology (B.Th) degree.

• Examinations

Candidates are examined in all courses at the end of each semester. The examinations are normally taken for at least two hours in written papers. Oral examinations are taken in the Second Semester and permitted in exceptional cases in the first semester. A minimum of 75% attendance at lectures is a compulsory requirement before a candidate can present himself for examination. A student who scores less than 40% has failed and is required to re-sit the examination in that course. The max grade which a student can obtain in the re-sit examination is 60%. A student who fails four courses in a year or three courses a semester is required to repeat the class year.

Theology Lecturers

Rev. Fr. Dr. Sixtus Chikwe (H.O.D)

Canon law

Rev. Fr. Dr. Patrick Abem

Bioethics, Moral Theology

Rev. Fr. Prof. Kekong Bisong

Sacramentology, Homiletics.

Rev. Fr. Prof. Jake Otonko


Rev. Fr. Dr. Kenneth Odibu

Sacred Liturgy

Rev. Fr. Dr. Kenneth Agwaigbo

Inculturation, Ecclesiology

Rev. Fr. Dr. Gerald Emem Umoren

Hebrew, Old. T. Exegesis,

Rev. Fr. Dr. Anselm Etokakpan

Fund. Moral Theology

Sr. Dr. Agnes Acha, DMMM

Backgd to Old. T, New. T. Exegesis, Intro to Scripture

Rev. Fr. Anselm Nyong

Spiritual Theology

Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Akpan

Pastoral Care & Counselling, Pastoral Theology

Rev. Fr. Dr. Gerald Akata

Bus, Account/Leadership

Rev. Fr. Dr. Anthony Mbat

Ecclesiology, & Dogma

Rev. Fr. Augustine Abiagom, CM

Greek, & Ecumenism

Rev. Fr. Dr. Pius Aniekop, CM

Missiology & Church Hist

Dr. James Aniekan


Rev. Fr. Dr. Uzochukwu Njoku

Fund. Theology, Special Moral Theology

Rev. Fr. Maurice Asuquo

Church Hist. & Patrology

Rev. Fr. Dr. Emmanuel Duke

Dogma & Ecclesiology

Rev. Fr. Dr. James Afangideh

Catechetics. & Pastoral Theology

Rev.Fr. Agwaraonye Christiantus, CSSp