Graduation is the most significant event in a student’s life. As an end of a stage in education, it brings us a mixture of joy and pain. Joy for reaching our goals and pain for saying goodbye to the people who became part of our lives. A day like this calls to mind how we have gone thus far. Like the mustard seed this class has gradually grown from stage to stage. We were united in purpose and had common destiny, the catholic priesthood. With open minds we came to explore.

Hmm! In 2015 we innocently submitted ourselves to the transforming power of philosophy, here in the Natural Home. How time flies. As we stand today to say farewell, we remember with a heavy heart, the demise of our dear classmates who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith; Eruegbu Leonard and three out of the six Vincentians who died of auto crash in 2016: Agbo Emmanuel CM, Adah Emmanuel CM and Ehirmeyoma Joachim. We also remember our dear lecturers, Dr Francis Etim, Sr Dr Stella Esirah, Msgr Ekarika not forgetting Angel, our school driver. We commend them into God’s hands in faith that all those who have died in Christ will be raised to life on the last day. May they rest in peace, amen.

Like St Anselm, our faith was seeking understanding, thus we came for theological studies in 2020. North, South, East and West we all gathered here in the Natural Home. From the multilingual settlements of Ogoja, through the riverine enclaves of the Efik to the entrepreneurial minds of the Igbos and the agrarian coastlands of the Tiv people, it seemed like Nigeria in her diversity of tribes flows gently to meet at a confluence called the Natural Home. The scourge of Corona virus could not sway us; we arrived the natural home with even greater vigour and renewed dreams. Forty-one gentlemen were inducted into the department of theology to discern the will of God. After being systematically formed, properly disciplined, professionally chiseled, thoroughly evaluated, tested in the furnace like gold, we today thank God for his amazing grace. Behold the thirty-four ambassadors of St Joseph; 2024 theology graduates.

At this point, our unreserved gratitude goes first to God, the giver and sustainer of vocation; for His graces, benevolence and providence. Special thanks to our dear Rector, Very Revd Fr Dr Patrick Abem. In your hands the seminary is experiencing an unprecedented developmental stride since 2015. Dear people of God, behold a selfless, dogged and friendly servant. As your pioneer graduates, we hope to encourage and support your good works to move St Joseph to an enviable height among Major seminaries in West Africa –together we can do it.

We appreciate the significant role of our dear HOD of theology, Fr Dr Sixtus Chikwe. Our Departmental lecturers and indeed to all our dear Formators whose paternal mentorship have been an immeasurable source of strength to us through these years. May their good works be sown for an eternal harvest!

We are equally grateful to you, our beloved brothers and seminarians. We appreciate your deep sense of solidarity and koinonia. May your stay in the seminary be marked by humility, docility, respect and a relentless pursuit for a good moral life. You are the hope of the future church.  May God bless you and keep you in his love. You were indeed partners in progress. Also many thanks to the members of our seminary community: lay staff and those who worship from outside the seminary. To all our friends and associates, we say thanks a million for your solidarity. We are very grateful.

Our dear Formators, beloved brother seminarians, dedicated members of lay staff, distinguished friends; we may have stepped on toes, or cross parts either as individuals or as a class; remember that we are but humans. We are sincerely sorry.  Just as we have forgiven anyone who offended us, we also ask your pardon for our faults and grievous faults. As we depart, we hope to depart in peace; to return here even with greater joy and a more solidified bond.

Congratulations, graduates. Your journey has just begun, and the world awaits the profound contributions you are destined to make.

#2024 Graduands

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