Our Mission

Discover Our Purpose Driven Journey


The primary mission of St. Joseph Major Seminary is the formation of men for the Catholic priesthood. The seminary's singular aim is to assist young men imbibe the mind of Jesus Christ and acquire virtues that are relevant to the priestly ministry and the salvation of souls. To acquire the knowledge of salvation is the summary of her mission. These virtues or aptitudes are human, spiritual, cultural, social, and intellectual in nature since seminary formation is designed to develop a total man whose services will be relevant to the church and the society at large. The four pillars of seminary formation are the guidelines: Human, pastoral, intellectual and spiritual.

However, fresh development in her Academic History as seen the Seminary through another affiliation with the University of Calabar, Cross River State. This new development has been necessitated by Seminary’s penchant for efficiency and smoothness in running the academic programme and these are feasible benefits of the new relationship with the University of Calabar. Thus, at the end of the 2013/2014 academic year, her affiliation with the University of Calabar ceased to be.

Overall, the entire seminary program is structured to nurture a blend of faith and reason as well as the inner growth of young men in search of holiness and wholeness with the ultimate intention of becoming "alter Christus" (another Christ) called to act in "Persona Christi" (in the Person of Christ) in the ministry of the Word and Sacraments. Since the priest is a leader of the flock entrusted to him, the skills of leadership form part of the benefits that the seminarian receives in the course of his formation in our seminary.

Academic Year

St. Joseph Major Seminary runs a two semestral academic year. The first semester begins in the first week of October and lasts till last week of February. While the second Semester commences from the first week of March and lasts till the last week of June. Internal and external examinations take place in May/June.

Co-Curricular Activities

Besides taking courses either in philosophy or in theology, students of the seminary also engage in other activities that are of a social, intellectual, and spiritual nature. These are sports, sodalities associations, pious organization, cultural groups, and intellectual organizations, some of which publish magazines annually. As an institution of learning, the seminary also has a journal. The Koinonia, with which she publishes well researched academic papers as her own modest contribution to the embers of knowledge and a communication outfit. The Fountain communications, Fountain Magazine, and Fountain Newsletter per annum as well as the Sign Magazine for the philosophy department, Power Magazine for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Members, Prolife Newsletter for Prolife Association, etc.